The deficit of oil The video film, in which it is told, that some employees of the International Energy Agency anonymously inform correspondents, that 85 million barrels of oil extracted in day, in the near future will not suffice mankind. Under forecasts of experts after end of economical crisis it is required 95 million barrels a day. And in 30 years - 105 million barrels a day. However already now it is difficult to keep extraction at a former level in 85 million barrels since existing oil fields considerably are exhausted while new oil fields are not open or undeveloped. |
For the economic reasons the president of the USA Barack Obama has ahead of schedule permited of work in the Arctic shelf even after catastrophe in the Mexican gulf. |
Some scientists predict, what the oil will depleted in 30 years. |
Putin on New Land communicates with a polar bear and talked about strategic interests of Russia. |